Sunday, October 26, 2008

Letter To Teacher (#5)

Dear My Beloved Mr. Kmack,

            I know we have been through a lot, but these last three years have been a great experience. I heard a lot about you from Devin coming into the school, but all he said became an understatement after I finally got to meet you.

            After my first weeks of school, I always used to laugh at your attempt-to-be-serious face, the way you scolded the rowdy kids, how you always tried to be funny, and your futile attempts at instilling fear in students. I could never take you seriously, yet I knew what you had to say must be true, for you were the Dean of Academics. I became fond of you for the things you did for the school. You coached the volleyball team and boy’s basketball team to the playoffs; you helped to rid the school of the students who induced a bad influence; you were known as one of the best history teachers ever. All you do for Trinity, Mr. Kmack, has not gone unnoticed.

            Coming into sophomore year, I had the pleasure of having you as my history teacher. By the end of that year, you became the best teacher I have ever had. You successfully mixed fun with study, using your comical enthusiasm, lighthearted seriousness, and goal to better the knowledge of your students. I had such a fun time with that class that I would take it again with no regrets.  You were a wonderful teacher.

            As sophomore year continued on, the heat of the spring weather was inconceivable. We ran hard at practice and won meet after meet. I remember, Mr. Kmack, that you recognized my goal to qualify for states in the mile and 800 meters and pushed me hard whenever you could come to a practice. The rest of the team would run 3 miles, when I dragged myself behind you for 3 more. I may not have qualified, but my improvement was astonishing.

            Mr. Kmack, you do so much. Thank you for the things you do for Trinity Catholic and the things you do for me. You are one person I can always look to for help or advice, and you are always first to make fun of. Don’t worry, I love you Kmack.


                                                                                                Daryl Thomas