Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Letter from the Devil to God (#1)

Dear Enemy,


            I have been doing wonderful. Have you seen what’s been going on in your Earthly kingdom? The destruction in war, greed for power and money, your children starving and dying, a culture full of sex, pride, and prejudice. Seems to me that my side is winning. I’m not saying we are at war or anything; we’re just better.

            Hey, it’s okay to be a loser. You may have good intentions, your Highness, but good can’t mess with evil. Just because I may be a cheating scoundrel, does not mean I don’t influence the hearts of others. I make the people hate, steal, kill, jealous, etc. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings—well, not really. That’s the point. I want to hurt you by hurting the people you care for.



Earlier today, I was laughing looking at the people go to Church for Mass. I find it funny that all these people are going to Church for me, not you. I have driven them into insanity with the conflict between good and evil in their conscience that they have to go to Church to feel better. Nice try, Lord. 

So this is farewell, O Holy One. I hope we get to see each other soon, maybe at the Apocalypse. Love ya, bitch.


D. E. Vil


Macda Gerard said...

lolszz OH MY GOSH....I love thissssss, it's so0o0o0o0 funnnyyyyy. I legit can't stop laughing