Wednesday, October 8, 2008

10 Easy Lessons to Become Popular

1. Make sure you do not socialize with anybody. Not one word with another human being except for educational purposes, like answering questions in class or homework help.

2. Having no hygiene whatsoever will get you far. Nobody cares about how you smell like rotten animal carcass or how your teeth are gleaming yellow.

3. Play a sport, and everyone will think your a weirdo.

4. Make sure all your clothes are from brand names like A.J. Wright or the Salvation Army.

5. Whenever a cute girl or guy comes up to you, pretend you do not see them.

6. Make sure you do not get less than an A+ in all your classes, and make sure to fight for every point, even the ones in the Bonus section.

7. If someone decides to bully you, accept it. There are just somethings you have to let happen in life, and bullying is one.

8. Use the excuse, "I had to do tons of homework and study for 5 tests", when invited to a party.

9. Make sure your a suck-up to the teacher. You can become best friends with them, and even ask them to hang out.

10. Scooters are your means of transportation.


Michael Fullerton said...

there is nothing wrong with scooters at all