Sunday, November 30, 2008

From Abigail to Goody Proctor after the Lechery

Dear Goody Proctor,

            I have finally mustered the courage to speak to you. It is I, Abigail Williams. I hope this name does not make you crumple the letter immediately, for I have to bring up a matter of importance. I beseech you to forget about the past in order for you to take my words seriously.

            Your husband, John Proctor, was a good man. He loved you and cared for his family. That night that I lured him, I could sense the guilt from inside of him. Sadly, the desire at that moment caused him to forget the things he really cared for. After that night, the goodness of John Proctor was made evident, for he confessed the sin he committed. Every time John and I talked since that night, he showed complete disgust in me and always defended his true wife. I tried to lure him completely away, but he threatened to confess to the whole town of what we did. John stayed true to you, Goody Proctor. He always loved you. The Devil just tempted a good man. All humans are prone to make mistakes, and this was a mistake John made. You should not feel coldhearted towards him, for I know that John has a fiery passion for you in his heart. He could never feel the same for anyone else, especially for whore like me.

            All in all, I do not ask for your forgiveness for I do not deserve it, but I ask for you to forgive John. Please forget what he did before, for I know he only wants you.

                                                                                                  God bless,

                                                                                                  Abigail Williams