Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crucible HW p.113-127

"I may shut my conscience to it no more- private vengeance is working through this testimony!" (114) Reverend Hale

This is the finalization  of the characterization shift of Reverend Hale. He has left the notions he had before, and completely moves away from the reputation-minded Hale to the sensible Hale. He finally tells the truth about his feelings on the issue going on, and from his perspective can also see that all these accusations were created through vengeance. This is the second time that the idea of vengeance running through Salem has been brought up since Proctor says, "vengeance is walking Salem" (77). The Proctors and now Hale seem the be the only voice of reason throughout the play.

"For them that quail to bring men out of ignorance, as I have quailed, and as you quail now when you know in all your black hearts that this be fraud- God damns our kind especially, and we will burn, we will burn together!" (120) John Proctor

This is Proctor's last shot at trying to knock some sense into the "superiority". They have remained blind on the possibility that all this witchcraft and accusations may be false. Mary Warren and the girls have completely turned them away from this idea by acting abnormal and crazy to pretend some Devilish spirit is in their presence. Mary confesses that John is a witch himself who has controlled her all this time. However, all of this is blatantly untrue, but the dull-witted judges now fully believe Proctor is a liar. This being said, there seems to be no more hope in Salem. Proctor has done all he can and believes God will eventually punish them for their wrongdoing.

1) What happens to Hale in the end?
2) Will the judges continue to fall for Abigail's actions?