Thursday, November 13, 2008

Crucible HW p.68-83

"Question Abigail Williams about the Gospel, not myself!" (70) Elizabeth Proctor

Once again, the whole blame game continues. Elizabeth has been accused of witchcraft and authorities have come to take her away. Elizabeth tries to show them she is a good Christian, yet they cannot falter to the truth she is saying. They had to listen to the "court". Seeing no other options left, she accuses Abigail, the girl who her husband cheated on with, as a witch to turn the blame. Abigail was her accuser, so Elizabeth decides to accuse her back. This idea of vengeance is created, which leads to the second quote.

"I'll tell you what's walking- vengeance is walking Salem" (77) John Proctor

This idea of witchcraft is all made up. In the midst of all the chaos, vengeance lies as the reason for all the hate and accusations. Three prominent examples of vengeance being created are through Nurse versus Putnam about the choosing of the minister, Abigail and Elizabeth over John, and Martha Corey and Walcott over pigs.

1) Did Abigail and Mary work together to accuse Elizabeth?
2) Does Proctor really care for his wife?