Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Crucible HW p.49-67

"John- grant me this. You have a faulty understanding of young girls. There is a promise made in any bed-" (61) Elizabeth

Clearly, Elizabeth still holds something against John. He had cheated on Abigail, and Elizabeth has not forgotten this, no matter what John did, even if he owned up to the adultery. She feels that Abigail is trying to hurt her by accusing her she is a witch. Abigail supposedly wants to get rid of her and take her place as John's partner. This defines the hate Elizabeth has for Abigail. John just wants her to forget about it and appreciate his honesty. Their relationship somewhat defines Salem and their relationship with God. Everyone seems so pious, yet they hide their sins from others and keep to themselves to not be judged by others of Salem and God. When the truth is out or a lie is spread, this causes chaos, especially in a strict pious community or a strict Christian relationship.

"Nonsense! Mister, I have myself examined Tituba, Sarah Good, and numerous others that have confessed to dealing with the Devil. They have confessed it." (68) Hale

This quote questions the legitimacy of Hale's practice. He says the courts have strong proof, and their proof is the examinations of Hale. How could they even believe him? Hale just talked about things others normally did not in their society, so he was treated as special or superior. His word was credible proof. This is pathetic.

1) Is Hale legit?
2) Is John Proctor a good Christian?