Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jim Dialogue

I swur thain’t nobody could survive da wil’ness like dis dere Huck. If it warn’t for him, I’d a’been down in N’O’leans.

We was ways down d’river, and Huck see dis boat stack fulla people. Dey was all white, so I get kinna scur’d dat dey was gunna see da raft. Huck tol’ me t’hid in da raft unda summa our truck. I waited der till some white genelmen ask’d Huck if dur wur an’body on da raft wid him. Huck tell da man dur hain’t nobody but himself. Den he goes along and tells ‘em ‘bout how his motha and fatha was dead from sum pois’n from sum Injun and liddle Roger Willingham was going down da river ta find him a’new place ta stay. T’was hard not ta laugh ta hear da womenfolk tell dey ‘usbands to help liddle Roger. I took a’peak throu da truck ta see da men gather dey coins and hand it ova ta Huck. Huck began ta give ‘em thanks and we was on our ways. I git up from unda da truck, and let outta chuckle. Huck Finn just take a look atta my face, and starts to laugh ‘imself ta tears. Life on da river warn’t that bad as ya thought, ya just gotta make da most of it.

Da dark was a comin’ closa, so we decided ta find a towhead ta set fo’ nite. Huck brawt da raft close to da shore and tied’d up to sum branches. We took out summa our lines ta get some fish fo’ dinna. I went ta go git sum branches for Huck ta start a fi’a. As I walking through da woods, I seen a light ways out ahead’a’me. I wunder’d ta miself what’d be. I slowly git miself closer by hidin’ behin’ sum trees and notice a strange wuman a standin’ dere. I thought bout goin’ back ta tell Huck, but I coulda ‘andle miself, methinks. I keeps goin’ on ahead, but wid each step, I kep growin’ feer. Da wuman was doin’ sum crazi danze. Was dis sum kinda witchcraft or sumthin’ like dat I’d hurd back at Miss Watson’s?