Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Huck Finn #6: p. 185-209


Mary Jane warn't like many other kinna wimmen. She actially curred 'bout a body's well-bein. She even scol' lil’ Joanna when she ask much many questions. I got sum kinna strange feelin’ ‘bout that girl Mary Jane. I dunno what they called it, but I do recalls Tom Sawyer speakin’ of em stories bout the girl always being rescued by some cowboy and they be fallin’ in love. Love- was that what I be feelin’ for Mary. I had no idea, but I knews fo’ shure Tom Sawyer wouldn’t back down from a handsome lady like Mary Jane. I couldn’t let them rapscallions king and duke rob this here girl. She was too kind, and it remin’d me of what I was thinkin’ when considerin’ to turn in ole’ Huck. Mary Jane hain’t do nothin’, similaly to Miss Watson. But if I was gunna help Mary Jane, why hain’t I turn in Huck? I knew one thing; I sure as hell didn’t love Miss Watson!