Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Huck Dialogue

We was going down the river, looking ahead for a towhead. The waters was rough and we took most all day to find a spot. We finally found a hidin’ place for the raft, and went ashore. Jim thought warn’t no use to stay with the raft, so we went out to the forest to find some berries. We went along a trod’en path, yet there was barely any light left with all them tall trees. We could barely see where we was going! But would Tom Sawyer head back? Of course not, Tom’d go so far through the forest till daylight come back!

We took a good long time down the path till we found a bunch o’ lil’ childen. They was playing outside a little house- four of them. Jim and I hid behind some bushes and watched them play around with some sticks and stones. After a lil’ bit, they headed on inside after some female called for them. I told Jim this was our chance to sift around fo’ some truck. As we started from the bushes, a wishhhhhhhhh flew by us. An arrow was 'rected on the ground right near Jim’s feet. We turn around see who it was, and on a horse was an Injun holdin’ a bow aimin’ right fo’ me. Jim was darn’ near broken to tears, but I tol’ Jim we could get outta this. The Injun slowly stepped toward us. I myself was darn’ near bout to wet myself. With every step the Injun took, Jim and I took one step back. Didn’t they say ya life flash befo’ ya eyes when you die? I warn’t ready to see any of that. I rememb’ Miss Watson sayin’ to pray to git anythin’ you wanted. God, Almighty, git me back to the raft in one piece! The Injun inched closer, and we had nowhere else to go. Then outta da blue came- Bang Bang Bang. The Injun fell to the ground with a thud. I warn’t gonna describe him no more. We turn aroun’ and see a man holdin’ a shotgun. The lil’ childen were standing on the porch with they mother. Was this the holy family or sunthin’?