Monday, October 12, 2009

Chivalric Code '09

1) When attempting to court a girl, the guy should never come on strong and throw out their affection, but perform random acts of kindness to form a positive relationship, which leaves room for development.

2) If the girl you attempt to court with shows negative responses to your kindness, try to up the ante by doing something completely out of the blue, like buying her a small gift.

3) After this, the girl will hopefully be more attentive to your affection. If not, you have done all you could. Let her be a memory and try to move on. At least it was a learning experience.

4) Once you feel that you have formed a somewhat loving relationship, it would be nice to call her from time to time, or text her. Ask her how her game was or tell her something funny that happened today. You can even go to her games and cheer her on. You will definitely be on your way to winning her heart.

5) Once you have started calling her, try to make it a daily basis. Your conversations should entail making her laugh, and more laughing. Make her enjoy your presence on the phone so that she cannot wait to see you in person.

6) When you see her in school, do not be shy and try not to see her. Make your affection known. Give her a hug; help her with her books. You could even walk her to class if you feel that you are ready.

7) Now that your relationship has become quite close, your conversations should now shy away from all the laughter and glee and become more personal. Express your feelings; talk about what troubles you. You have to show the same respect back when she has something to say. Do not judge her. Always be respectful of her opinion.

8) Now that your relationship has grown to this point, it would be appropriate to take her out on a date. The gentleman should always pay for the first date. If the relationship becomes official, payment can fall upon both sides or together. Always plan a date that works for both of you. You want this night to be perfect.

9) On the date, help her to her seat. Make sure you maintain your manners while you eat. This is not just any time or place; this is your first date with someone you really like. DO NOT TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH OPEN! That is key. Also, this would not be the best time to express feelings or problems. Just be yourself, relax, and make her happy.

10) If the date went according to plan, the guy should take her home. Means of transportation does not matter. Taking the 70 can give you an opportunity to snuggle up. Once at her home, tell her you really enjoyed tonight, give her a hug. If you are lucky, the girl should approach for a kiss. From there, you should part ways.

11) The next day, do not be awkward with her or repeatedly keep calling her. Just let it be. When you finally get a hold of her, tell her you really enjoyed last night and that you would like to go out again.

12) With these steps, you should find one day to be alone with her and be really snuggly. You should approach the question slowly, with a little side conversation. Then tell her how much you have loved these past couple weeks and would like to see more. Hopefully, she says yes and you have successfully courted a girl.

13) Sometimes rejection feels like a pain. You can either continue to be nice and attempt to court her or just let her go and move on. Always respect her decision.

14) Throughout your relationship, always be true to her. Never tell her a lie about yourself. Let her know who you are and embrace all you have to offer. Is it not strange if you have to lie about yourself to gain her respect? Let her respect you for who you are. This goes for both girl and guy.