Monday, December 15, 2008

Scarlet Letter 5: p.107-126

"he was often observed [...] to put his hand over his heart, with first a flush and then a paleness, indicative of pain" (110)

This is a somewhat awkward quirk of Reverend Dimmesdale. Knowing this action, one can guess that Dimmesdale may be the father of Pearl. Why would he randomly grab his chest when in an instance of uncertainty or suddenness? This sounds similar to Hester with her scarlet letter, a constant reminder of sin and evil, bringing forth pain. It even states Dimmesdale becomes flush, which may be eluding to the fact that Pearl has a rosy essence. Dimmesdale is definitely the father.

"'I must needs look deeper into it. A strange sympathy betwixt soul and body! Were it only for the art's sake, I must search this matter to the bottom!'" (125)

Chillingworth will not stop until he knows the answer to a problem. He mentions this when trying to find who Hester cheated with. Chillingworth is not one to fool around with. He can feel the guilt within Dimmesdale, but he is trying to find out why Dimmesdale feels this way. Chillingworth will watch every single move of Dimmesdale until he knows the answer to his "disease". It seems that Chillingworth begins to grow suspicion of Dimmesdale in relation to Hester's adultery.

1) Will Chillingworth find out that it is Dimmesdale?
2) Will Hester give in to Chillingworth?